Thursday, April 9, 2009

Heaps has been happening....

Right here is the update just for Nessie haha.

Starting at the start since last blog publishing thingee.

The float arrived a couple of days later due to the ferry crossing so Ness was only here for what seemed like bloody hours, weeks and months, when it was only just over a day. However she did bring Whinny and Alice with her. We have put Alice in with Choccy at the moment so that Cchoccy can be a mothering influence to Alice though I was hoping that Mecca would do that job so that I could put Choccy up on the hill and not have her getting even MORE fat on the flats but Mecca takes aversion to that job so Choccy the "Mum" it is.

While Nessie was here we moved the mares from the runoff to the main farm as I was expecting some sort of problems from alot of the horses the only mare that we were definate that she would get on is the trusty Choccy. However the other mares showed us that we have no idea what we are actually talking about and all walked onto the float with no issues at all which was GREAT. You can bet on it that if Ness wasnt there however they all would have been shitheads and I would have had untold trouble with them all. Bloody horses.

I had the church next door ask me whether they could have an egg fight in the paddock with Blake and Rewi in. They failed to notice that there was actually horses in the paddock however I told them pretty quickly that was fine I would move the horses out of the paddock and then they could have their fight without upsetting the horses. Well I thought no problems however as we have learnt with horses the "no problems" part is not always understood by our good mates the "noble horse". Turns out I moved Blake and Rewi into the next paddock Blake went first and as its a long taped off bit I put him into he decided that actually he shouldnt have been sacked as a racehorse and that he would show us all how fast he was. Shame about the bloody wire fence he didnt see in his quest for racetrack greatness, he didnt see it until it was too late and has chopped up his leg a bit. The swelling has gone down a bit but still what a bloody idiot. Give me a dependable, dopey SB anytime.

Then we get to said "dependable dopey SB's, I popped them all from the flat paddock into the hill paddock the look that I got from all the fat bitches was "you run up there looking for food yourself fatty" so I meekly took off before they got the SB mafia out at the meer thought that I would make them actually climb their bulks up a hill looking for grazing.

The wee men, time for their update, all I have to say is my colt is a shithead and now I know what it means when adults say that teenage boys will go anywhere for a bit of skirt (normally followed by a wink and a nudge), Binky decided that the paddock that I had put him in wasnt up to his furry little standard and that actually he quite liked the grazers paddock and her well in season filly, so he went across country through hill and dale (and gorse bushes, barbed wire, blackberry, you get the drift) to get to "his bit of skirt" so now we will have a vet bill to PG the only mare on the place that is NOT his and never will be!!!! In his quest for rooting he got a few surface wounds and looked like he had gone 3 rounds with Mike Tyson (right down to the chunk taken out of his ear) which normally wouldnt have bothered me a great deal but as he was due to go showing in less than a week I found it rather a piss off!!!!

So poor Toby was dragged in from the backblocks (ok I lie there is no excuse for him looking like some form of bloody yak) and he had to endure the clippers, of which me being the onto it horse owner I am hadnt thought to get the blades sharpened and did a mercy dash to the saddlery and managed to borrow a pair from Clinton, I was very pleased at how Toby turned out. He looked FAB.

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